Special Chat on facebook (bold & underline ),Facebook Smileys & use symbols.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

  • Facebook Smileys 
You can easily use facebook smileys on facebook chat.See the bellow picture  to know what's the code you must enter on the facebook chat box to show smileys .Enter the code bellow on your facebook chat box and hit Enter Button on your keyboard.

Facebook emoticon codes
Here are about 15 codes that can use on facebook chat.All's are 100% working.

DO you see someones underline words or bold when they chat with someone.It's very easy . 
  • To Underline a word  use "_"broth side on the word like" _hello_"  .
  • To bold use "*" broth side on a word  like"*hello*".

*Special symbols .Copy and Paste them into chat box and hit Enter.

♠ ♣ ♥♪ ♫ ■ □ ▲ ►▼ ◄ ◊ ○ ●  ◦ ☺ ☻☼ ♀ ♂ ▒

You can make new style using these symbols. 




 This symbols can put anywhere on the internet.Bellow are some important places to put these symbols.

  1. Facebook status updates.

  2. Twitter

  3. Blogger

  4. myspace

  5. On email

  6. And anywhere you like.

    You can put these symbols on anywhere without copy and paste.To do it you must know the code of the symbol.Then enter it with "ALT" button on your keyboard.

    Ex:To make a "♥" symbol you must type ALT+3 buttons.



  1. how to underline or bold the texts ?
    i tried it in the same way as u discribed above !
    but its not working


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